Matrix II

Designed by Zuzana Licko in 1986. More...

Matrix II is a complete reworking of the original Matrix type family which was designed by Zuzana Licko in 1986.

The redesign, which started in January 2007, was initiated by the need to create an OpenType version of Matrix. With the hood open, so to speak, Licko used the opportunity to make subtle changes and to fine tune many of the existing characters which were designed some 20 years ago. The contrast between thick and thin strokes was decreased in some instances, and overshoots were corrected. The width of various characters was adjusted and regularized. The cross stroke on the f was simplified on most weights. The design of the lower case g was revisited and an alternate single story version was designed and added to the OpenType version.

Seven new fonts were also added to the family: a Semi Narrow, Semi Wide, Semi Tall, Inline Italic, and 3 weights of Italic–a less flamboyant version of Matrix Script. To clearly set this version apart from the original Matrix, and to avoid conflict with previous versions, its name was changed to Matrix II.

For more information about Matrix II, download the free type specimen.

Font Sketches


Matrix II Book $59.00

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Matrix II Regular $59.00

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Matrix II Bold $59.00

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Matrix II Italic Book $49.00

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Matrix II Italic Regular $49.00

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Matrix II Italic Bold $49.00

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Matrix II Extra Bold $49.00

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Matrix II Narrow $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Semi Narrow $49.00

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Matrix II Semi Wide $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Wide $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Tall Regular $39.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Script Book $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Script Regular $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Script Bold $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Extra Bold $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Extra Bold

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Extra Bold Hilite

Matrix II Inline Script $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Script

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Script Hilite

Matrix II Inline Italic $49.00

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Italic

Type your customized text here…

Matrix II Inline Italic Hilite

Matrix II Package $170.00


Matrix II Italic Package $115.00


Matrix II Extra Package $115.00

Matrix II Tall Package $45.00


Matrix II Script Package $115.00


Matrix II Inline Package $80.00

Matrix II Volume $399.00